Monday, July 2, 2012

Homemade Mondays!

Ohh...this poor blog.
I forgot I had you!
Thanks to Google (the German team? Apparently all of my Blogger related communication arrives to my inbox in German!?), I was graciously reminded that I owned this little piece of web real estate and I'd best get to using it before it was banished for good.

So here we are!


I've dedicated Mondays to blogging about things I can or have made that either save me money, save the environment, or both!
There are some things that pain me to spend cash on. Air freshener is one of them. I know a lot of people who can somehow swing getting it for free, but I haven't discovered that trick yet. So, I make my own and reuse an old Febreze bottle. It smells divine and it's sooooooooooooo much cheaper than Febreze.

You can tweak the measurements to suit your own needs (i.e strength of scent or amount required). This is what worked for me!

1.5 TBSP fabric softener
2 TBSP baking soda
Warm water to fill the bottle

Mix it all together and get spray happy!
I've never heard someone complain about the house smelling like nice, fresh laundry :)